You couldn’t run your store without a good POS system and the right inventory in your cases. You SHOULDN’T run your store without regular weekly training. You really need to see this; a weekly store training video that lasts about 15 minutes with assisted notes and a quiz.
We discuss everything from clientelling to closing the sale and we do it in a way that creates interaction with your team. It can be viewed by the entire team in a meeting or individually if it’s difficult to get everyone together. This service is $149 a month. Yes, you read that correctly. You can train your staff for less than $2,000 a year.
I’m giving the first week free as a test drive. You’ll have access to all previous Store Meetings too. If you don’t like it, you can cancel at any time. If you DO like it, you’ll be on your way to staff that is fully trained to grow your store and close more sales. This limited time offer ends 8/31/12.
As a jewelry store manager for over 15 years, I’ve been looking for a solution to the problem of a great sales meeting turning into life-as-usual a week later. I realized in order for training to sink in it needs to be consistent, convenient, positive, concise and interactive. I’ve created that here. You’ll love it. I promise.