Monthly Archives: October 2012

The power of EMOTION and PRICE POINTS in your ads

You’ll notice that around Christmastime the chain store TV ads are both emotional and price-point driven. They’re extremely effective because they tug at heartstrings but also promote the price friendliness of the jeweler. Watch this ad. Fun Bridal Ad from Creative Edge Productions on Vimeo. Here is what goes through the viewer’s mind: “Hhhmmm, that’s…

How to make an easy TWENTY GRAND this Christmas Meeting 1015-20

Welcome to a special FREE Store Meeting! This week’s training video features special guest is David Geller, As part of our Maximize Christmas David shows us a simple customer service technique that will add an easy twenty grand (if not more) to your bottom line. It costs nothing and it’s done with customers that…

A very profitable lesson from the chain stores

[cc_hide_from sku=”members” days_in=”0″]Go to the mall and grab a flyer off any jewelry counter you see and you will have done more for the profitability of your business than most jewelers do all year long. Think about it. The chain jewelry stores have poured oodles into figuring out just exactly what consumers will by buying…