In this interview, Suzanne and I discuss how to purposefully develop and change the culture of a business. She’s worked with some of the top companies in the world. https://youtu.be/nWdhEzTu-Jg Learn more about Suzanne’s programs right here.
In this interview, Suzanne and I discuss how to purposefully develop and change the culture of a business. She’s worked with some of the top companies in the world. https://youtu.be/nWdhEzTu-Jg Learn more about Suzanne’s programs right here.
Email me right here and I’ll send you your FALL BRUSH UP videos to train your team.
So many jewelers are afraid to dive into creating videos for social media because they are afraid they don’t know how to produce them. Here are some hints to get you going making great content and producing nice quality videos. Feel free to email me if you have any questions about this video or to…
Is your team using Weasel Words? Are they confident in their presentations or are they using words that send customers packing? Show this video to the staff and let them do some self evaluation. I must warn you that a sales staff that is regularly trained tends to grow. For weekly training videos just like…
Every year, I like to do a call-in with George Prout of Gems One. Why? Because I know of nobody else in the industry that has a better grasp of what’s happening nationally in jewelry trends.
About this time of year we have our local TV stations come in and shoot a bad TV ad. They make your store look like the local feed co-op rather that a fine jewelry store. We created these ads so that your store can look like a million bucks. They truly sell the emotion of…
I’ve heard about it before but I had to see it to believe it. I visited Woodard’s Diamonds & Design in Tullahoma Tennessee to witness James Porte’s 60% off for 60 Minutes event. Here’s a quick video to show you what this event can do even in a smaller market. Get more information on this…
David Geller described it pretty well. Here’s a lesson in the importance of getting rid of your old, dated, rancid inventory. Train your staff with weekly videos like this with a new training in your in-box every Monday morning. This is the spot for more info.
If you’ve fallen into the habit of mediocrity and the path of least resistance, this is a great new habit to build to grow your team. Get a new weekly training video in your inbox every Monday morning from Jimmy DeGroot and Brad Huisken at JeweleryStoreTraining.com PLUS GET YOUR FIRST MONTH FREE!
Pinballs are reactionary. They get paddled and bounced around. Here’s a little advice on how to avoid that, EVEN IN THE RETAIL WORLD.