Category Archives: Uncategorized

Learning with Passion and Enthusiasm

This short video was recently shared with me and I thought you’d enjoy learning how our brains learn better and are more enthusiastic through learning. For great weekly videos in your jewelry store for your team, visit

Let them SEE IT in their minds

It’s two days before Valentine’s Day and a man is driving to work, thinking about that kid running across the street, that old building, “What used to be in there?”, “I’m due for an oil change”. Now your jewelry store ad comes on the radio. Does it put him on a new thought path where…

NEW Basic Training Video Series

How do you start your new people? Most jewelers send a brand new person out on the sales floor and tell them to follow everyone and watch what they do.   I’ve created this Basic Training video series to get your new people started out with a BANG.  It will get them selling jewelry the…

The Preferred Jewelers Warranty

Independent jewelers are always looking for features and benefits that can make us stand out high above other stores and the national chains.  I had a chance to visit with Tara Smith, Manager at Jim Kryshak Jewelers in Wausau WI about how they utilize the Preferred Jewelers International warranty program to both close more bridal sales and…

#146 – Service to Sales FREE store training

How do we turn all that repair traffic into sales? This training discusses ways way can begin turning that traffic into sales. It all begins with changing behaviors. Click here for your notes and quiz. Click here for the download page of this meeting. If you aren’t currently signed up for our weekly store training,…