This year’s Christmas winners (the preliminary results)

George Prout lives in the sweet spot for picking out jewelry that will sell like crazy. He’s a head honcho at Gems One and they’ve been extremely successful with their Christmas and Black Friday flyers. So this morning I asked him what the hot items are for this Christmas. Here’s his report copied directly from his email.

  • Colored diamonds…HUGE!!!
  • Infinity symbol (Tiffany)
  • Bows
  • Sideways cross
  • Freshwater Pearls
  • Plated bronze…expect this to be what rejuvinates the yellow gold color
  • Gift-with-purchase promotions

There’s still time for you to get these pieces on your order before Christmas. Here’s to you selling tons!

Oh, by the way, you can get me in your store this winter to do a market analysis, shop the competition and develop a killer marketing plan that will grow your business. Contact me for my game plan at

Isn’t it time to finally get a plan in place to take your business where you’ve always dreamed it could go?

This is me in a store smiling at the camera.

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