My friend Alan owns a great deal of psychological real estate in a lot of people’s minds. His store does millions. I guess that’s what advertising people would call top-of-mind awareness. I call it great real estate to own.
Alan understands that marketing his jewelry store is a marathon and not a sprint. Over the years he decided whatever he spent his advertising dollars on, he was going to own. He chose to be the only jeweler people heard from, whether it was a time frame, a specific show, a newspaper section or neighborhood for billboards.
When you take the approach of owning a specific group of people rather than trying to reach the entire world, then you can affordably reach them with the correct amount of frequency. And yes there is a proper amount of frequency that works. Any less and you’re flushing money away. Don’t flush money away. When you’ve done that with a great message, well then my friend you are the proud owner of psychological real estate. Once you own it, it’s very difficult and expensive for someone to come and take over.
All said and done, Alan patiently invested over the years in a plan. He didn’t quit, screaming, “I tried that and it doesn’t work!” He now enjoys an extremely profitable jewelry store that continues to grow. His customers are extremely loyal and as a result, he enjoys a wonderful referral business.
What psychological real estate do you own? Would you like to create a game plan for owning a bunch? Let’s get started! Email me at or call me at 920-492-1191.