The Worst Store Meeting Ever

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The owner of the store berated her staff, threatening and complaining that the other jewelers in town were kicking their butts. “There better be some changes around here and fast or people are gonna be losing their jobs!” Everyone got up from the meeting and went out on the sales floor all fired up to have a great day in sales. NOT!

You can’t threaten people to sell better. Think about it. Selling involves confidence, optimism, encouragement, teamwork, and happy people. When they’re happy they sell better, MUCH better. You need ongoing training of behaviors. This in turn will improve everything. For example, Sonjia has a low closing ratio. Everyone else in the store is at 40% but she is stuck at 20%. Sonjia is not dumb, nor is she a bad person; she simply has a confidence problem when it comes to closing because she is a softhearted woman. If she would simply change just a few words in her presentation… BAM! Her closing could go through the roof.

Nick Failla of Collected Concepts and I have developed a weekly video store meeting to help train proven behaviors from the most successful jewelry stores in America. You simply click on PLAY each week (we send you a video meeting every weekend) and show your staff. They learn, have fun, grow and sell more, a lot more. If the staff can’t watch it together, they can watch it on their own time on their laptops or phones. Each meeting comes with assisted notes and a quiz, so you know everyone is getting the training. Check out these weekly meetings and start a training regime that will put your staff on the road to great success in sales. No more negative store meetings.

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