Coming Into The Sale – A Free Training Video

We discuss how to come into a sale in the best manner to ensure we close the sale for the jewelry store and maintain respect among your sales team. For these weekly training videos in your jewelry store, visit

Let them SEE IT in their minds

It’s two days before Valentine’s Day and a man is driving to work, thinking about that kid running across the street, that old building, “What used to be in there?”, “I’m due for an oil change”. Now your jewelry store ad comes on the radio. Does it put him on a new thought path where…

A Fantastic 360 Light Box for less than $300

360° IMAGES AT YOUR FINGERTIPS Foldio360 is designed for everyone. All you need is your smartphone or DSLR camera to use the Foldio360. Now it’s easy to create 360° images. One of the biggest barriers to jewelers creating regular online content is great quality photography. I wanted to share this genius system using a great…

FREE TRAINING TEST DRIVE (Just in time for a Christmas Miracle)

Just in time to give your staff that BOOST they need to maximize the next 30 days! There are over 200 training sessions right here for you to show your team. Take a test drive for the next two weeks. SIGN IN RIGHT HERE LOGIN: PASSWORD: KEYSTONE Take advantage of the $99/month special to…

Christmas TV Ad Sale

We’ve created some wonderful TV ads that we can tag with your logo. These ads are regularly $799 each, but order this week and you’ll get them at half off ($400). Order NOW to get them running in your market for Christmas! Click Here to see all of our ads. Call Jimmy at 920-492-1191 with…

Clientelling for Christmas – A Free Training Video for your Team

If you do nothing else to train your team to maximize the first half of December, show them this video. It will be your best insurance to guard against those early December crickets in your store. Then sign up right here for weekly Jewelry Store Training to turn your clerks into salespeople and your salespeople…

Learn From the Big Guys

Tom is a national sales manager for Phillip Gavriel (A division of Royal Chain). In this recent article posted on LinkedIn, Tom shares some great insights that the Big Guys are doing from which Independent Jewelers can learn. 2016 is already shaping up to be a lackluster year for the retail jewelry sector, and the…

Speak THEIR Language

Have you ever heard someone say, “She really gets me!”? Well this is part one of a two part talk I did at RJO Indianapolis about speaking THEIR language to better close sales and reach people.